Hello From Down Under. Finally got a few days off in Auckland New Zealand to rest and do laundry. The Tour Of Australia And New Zealand has been such a experience. Great to see so many old Fan’s and Friends and Make so many New Ones. The Melbourne Australia International guitar show was off the wall. It was great to reconnect with the Great Phil Manning who composed the song “Two Roads” which I covered on my Freerange CD years ago. Check Out My YouTube Channel and you will see the Video at the guitar show where he called me up on stage and I sang that song.
Flew in to New Zealand and met up with the Dale Robbins Band from Australia in The City Of Hamilton To do a few gigs to warm up for the Bay Of Islands Jazz And Blues Festival which is 3 hours north of Auckland. The Hamilton Blues Society was very hospitable and gave us a warm welcome to New Zealand. The festival was fantastic with great scenery, food, lodging and friendly people. Again stay tuned on my YouTube Channel for Highlights of this Festival.
